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is about twelve people dead

taosbi2 posted @ 2014年5月27日 11:44 in 未分类 , 119 阅读


ng, Syrian troops broke the rebels to Aleppo Central Prison blockade.Syria, Human Rights Watch said, adding that loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's army of dedicated military vehicles driving in the roar of gunfire into the Aleppo prison.At the same time, according to the network news shows, the northern part of the town of Hama province Mock government forces suffered a massive attack on the 22nd. Government forces attempted to break out from the east, and south sides of the town.The network, told reporters that after the armed opposition called "battle" with government forces fighting the outbreak of the conflict, has caused more than five tanks and military vehicles were destroyed, dozens of Assault troops were killed, captured fifteen . The opposition aspect is about twelve people dead.On the other hand, the northern town of Hama province  air jordan 11 cheap  (Kffersita) was "chlorine Dutan" attacks. Helicopters dumped a bucket of explosive mixtures containing chlorine in the area, causing suffocation cases twenty people there. Similar attacks also occurred in Dutan Alhaji Aesop (Alehish) and   town (Aellatamna).Hama News reported that after fierce fighting between the two sides and led to many casualties, artillery battalion troops were forced to evacuate the town in northern Mock freedom army took control of the region.Network news, Mock the town was thrown from the aircraft cluster bombs, which are internationally banned. Multiple areas of the town warplanes launched more than 20 air strikes, helicopters dumped barrels more explosive mixture in the region.Mock Town as an important hub in northern province of Hama, and its importance is self-evident. The northern town of Hama province with Syria "liberated zone" directly connected, with full control over the Syrian government in the lan
d holdings so that it can blow from the north side of the village and the rest of Hama Idlib province, eastern Mock Town more armed recharge hinterland.Damascus region is facing focuses rocket Braszmat of heavy shelling, Mali Ha, Daria and eastern regions Gotha war stretches. Artillery shells according to White and Haye La fall into two conflict zones, followed by government forces after the storm finally break through Haye La area, while Mali Ha District still experiencing swirling fire and ongoing conflicts.Della southern Syria since the time became governor of heavy rocket attack targets neighborhoods dam side, refugee camps and neighborhoods de la province is super fire bull's-eye. More and more city Daraa suffered by warplanes and helicopters attacked throwing exploding barrels.On the other hand, freedom of Army gunfire aimed at the Hanna City, Idlib sand reservoir according to Hu barracks by the government  air jordan 4 ukunder the jurisdiction of the city government militants who have been launching several air strikes.In Latakia, Syrian government forces and opposition armed conflict erupted in sustained   City and other places nearby.Hasakah province in northeastern Syria,   placed in a roadside bomb explosion in front of the school, killing one person. Government forces under the National Defence Force and the PKK members clashed mountain areas in the province.Government forces and armed opposition continued fierce fighting in the city of Aleppo, the government forces trying to break the opposition's resistance to the occupation of the city in order. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda, "the Islamic State of Iraq and Shamrock" and armed opposition continued conflict erupted in Deir Ezzor province.Government forces succeeded in occupying the Aleppo Sheikh Najjar Industrial Zone, while the opposition continues to pr
ovide the Air Force Intelligence in the northwest of the region, making it the armed forces to control large areas of the Economist Intelligence Unit Zahra district (EIU) has announced the 2014-2018 world's best business environment rankings, the former three were Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong.EIU said that the business environment in the region varies greatly, which performed better country or region Individually more common, such as a favorable business finance and foreign policy.The rankings, the former three score (out of 10) are higher than the last. Singapore, the last from 2009 to 2013 rose 8.56 points 8.65 points; Switzerland rose to 8.52 points from the 8.41 points; Hong Kong rose 8.39 points from the 8.34 points.EIU is the British "Economist"'s a research and consulting firm, nike kobe 8 uk will be prepared every five years once the business environment rankings, the object is the world's 82 countries or regions, ranked a total of 10 criteria, including political environment, macroeconomic environment, market opportunities, Libreville field and competition policy, foreign policy, foreign trade and exchange controls, tax, finance, labor markets and infrastructure; rates, not only to consider past performance and will assess the business environment over the next five years changes in the Taipei MRT for random killings occurred before the "legislators" Chou Yi recently in face book bluntly, "This is the result of social condone sunflowers student movement." Remark, but attracted Taiwanese writer Giddens cursed in face book, "cold-blooded political garbage." Chou Yi weakness that quit after being approved, the 24th batch of resentment uneven ground shouts back that when he raised the community to review the broken windows theory, many media have issued a special article echoes follow-up, "but Giddens 

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